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Skyward Specialty Enters Media Liability Market

Skyward Specialty caters to media companies and content creators with new coverages for advertising agencies and public relations firms, creators of films, documentaries, television programs and more.
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PRODUCT: Media Professional Liability.

COMPANIES: Skyward Specialty Insurance Group Inc.™


AVAILABILITY: Appointed agents, brokers and wholesalers only.

FOCUS: Recently, Skyward Specialty announced the expansion of its professional lines division into the media liability market, focusing on multimedia, film and ad agencies. Skyward Specialty is a specialty insurance company, delivering commercial property & casualty products and solutions on a non-admitted and admitted basis.

“In a time where media content continues to evolve and change, the need for innovative media solutions to protect professionals has never been more critical," says Regina Williams, vice president, professional liability, Skyward Specialty.

COVERAGE DETAILS: Media liability insurance provides specialized coverage for entities involved in content creation, publication or broadcasting, offering protection against legal liabilities like defamation, libel, slander and copyright and trademark infringement. Its aim is to mitigate legal expenses and financial risks arising from media operations.

Skyward Specialty caters to the broad spectrum of media companies and content creators. The company developed the Advertising Agency Professional Liability Policy for advertising agencies and public relations firms, providing coverage for their distinct needs. Meanwhile, the Film and Program Producer Liability Policy is meticulously crafted to support the unique risk landscape faced by creators of films, documentaries, television programs and more.

UNDERWRITING: Submit a fully completed application to receive a quote. The minimum premium is $2,500 with a minimum retention of $5,000. The maximum available limits are $3 million/$3 million for all media and $3 million/$5 million for film producer coverage.

TARGET: Small and medium-sized businesses with max revenues of $500 million. Ideal clients are publishers, broadcasters, multimedia companies, advertising agencies, film producers, personal appearance needs and other content creators.

COVERAGE AVAILABILITY: The insured must have a physical presence in the U.S. Skyward Specialty is admitted in all states except Alaska.


CONTACT: Regina Williams, vice president, professional liability, Skyward Specialty; 816-510-5512.

Will Jones is IA editor-in-chief.

Monday, June 3, 2024
Professional Liability