Cancer Advocate Plus is a first-of-its-kind cancer-specific, genetics-based insurance program providing tools and resources to proactively understand the risk of cancer and manage a cancer diagnosis.
PRODUCT: Cancer Advocate Plus
COMPANIES: Chubb, healthŌme Inc.
AVAILABILITY: Appointed agents and brokers only.
FOCUS: Half of men and one in three women will develop cancer, according to the National Cancer Institute (NCI), which says that early detection has proven critical as the five-year survival rate for early-stage cancers is 91.1%, compared to 30.6% for late-stage cancers.
Recently, Chubb Workplace Benefits announced the launch of Cancer Advocate Plus, a first-of-its-kind cancer-specific, genetics-based insurance program that provides tools and resources for an individual to proactively understand their risk of cancer and more effectively manage a cancer diagnosis. The program offers insurance protection to help with the potential financial impact of a cancer diagnosis.
“This program is unique," says Janet Buzil, senior vice president of product innovation, Chubb. “It meets Americans at the intersection of science, wellness and insurance coverage to help save lives. Cancer Advocate Plus offers a proactive and personalized approach to cancer risk recognition and care navigation one employee at a time. It is truly a game changer in the category of voluntary benefits."
COVERAGE DETAILS: There are five main components to the Cancer Advocate Plus insurance program: Proactive cancer risk screening; cancer management; cash benefits; cancer recovery and recurrence monitoring; and education and empowerment.
As many as one in 13 people have inherited genes that increase their risk of cancer, according to NCI. Cancer Advocate Plus includes genetics-based testing to identify inherited genes that increase cancer risk, as cancer is a genetic disease. In case of elevated risk, healthŌme genetic counselors can develop a personalized action plan for reducing risk. Policyholders also have access to pharmacogenomic testing to better understand how an individual will respond to commonly prescribed medications.
In case of cancer diagnosis, policyholders are provided access to personalized support, tools and resources for complex illness navigation. And because financial hardship due to cancer is associated with poorer survival rates, the cash benefits are dispersed in three lump sum cash payments spread over a 12-month period from the date of diagnosis and claim.
UNDERWRITING: Chubb will work with employee benefit brokers and consultants who represent employer groups with over 200 employees. Employers can choose to fund the coverage themselves or to offer Cancer Advocate Plus as a voluntary employee-paid benefit. Coverage is available for employees and their spouses, domestic partners, and civil union partners.
Coverage is offered as guaranteed issue. However, if an employee has a history of cancer, they must be in remission and treatment free for 12 months to receive financial benefits.
TARGET: Chubb expects broad interest from a variety of employer clients, including higher-income employees who are not the typical target market for supplemental benefits.
COVERAGE AVAILABILITY: Cancer Advocate Plus has been approved in 43 states plus the District of Columbia. It should be available in all the states soon.
CONTACT: Chad Wells, senior vice president, marketing & communications, Chubb; 224-998-8737.
Will Jones is IA editor-in-chief.