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Solving the Producer Availability Problem by Managing Inbound Leads

Consumers in today's fast-paced world expect quick responses. However, considering their small staff is juggling the demands of running an agency, the chances that an independent agent will be available when a call comes in are slim.
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solving the producer availability problem by managing inbound leads

In the independent insurance industry, efficiently managing inbound leads is paramount to success. As the insurance landscape evolves, so do the challenges faced by independent agents seeking to grow their books. One of these challenges is called the “producer availability problem."

Over the last decade, more than 1 million insurance consumer referrals were sent to independent agents through the platform. However, approximately one-third of these consumers never received a timely response from an agent, causing the consumer to look for insurance elsewhere. Why aren't agents capitalizing on valuable opportunities? The answer: they're too busy.

Consumers in today's fast-paced world expect quick responses. However, the chances that an independent agent will be available when a call comes in are slim, considering their small staff is juggling the demands of running an agency. Captive agencies, on the other hand, have a roster of available agents, ensuring someone will always answer the phone. This creates the producer availability problem for the independent agency channel, impeding them from remaining competitive against captive agencies and growing their business.

But what can independent agents do to ensure they're not letting qualified opportunities slip through their fingers? Here are six ways to solve the producer availability problem:

1) Implement lead management and routing software. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems can help agents track and organize leads efficiently. Using these tools, agencies can automate lead distribution, set reminders and prioritize high-intent prospects. Similarly, automated lead routing systems can help agencies evenly distribute leads among agents in real time, assigning high-priority prospects to whichever agent is available based on specialization and capacity.

2) Prioritize high-intent leads. Lead scoring, a feature of many CRMs, assigns values to consumers according to their behavior, helping agents identify high-intent leads, such as those requesting a quote or showing strong interest. Prioritizing high-scoring prospects can help ensure agents are maximizing their efforts on quality leads.

3) Set up automated responses. Automated email or text responses reassure prospects that an agent will be in touch shortly. Additionally, agents can utilize automated follow-up messages to nurture leads that didn't convert initially.

4) Utilize alerts and adjust working hours. Using technology to send alerts to agents when a new lead comes in optimizes an agency's response time. Agents can set their availability status, and promptly respond to customer inquiries when they are free. Additionally, encouraging agents to have flexible working hours can help them align with peak lead generation times.

5) Monitor and analyze performance. Using call tracking software, agencies can monitor their agents' response times and conversion rates. This helps the agency identify areas for improvement, like better time management or prioritization.

6) Leverage a leads-on-demand service. Unlike conventional lead generation services where leads are delivered at random, a leads-on-demand service ensures that leads are only presented when an agent is readily available to speak to a new prospect. This reduces missed opportunities when an agent is unavailable.

With these strategies and by leveraging modern technology, independent agents can respond faster, connect with consumers online and compete with captive insurance companies. Addressing the producer availability problem on the agency level not only boosts business but also strengthens the independent agent channel.

Chip Bacciocco is CEO of's revolutionary Claim-it® Referrals program provides independent agents with real-time, high-intent, appetite-matching insurance referrals. This on-demand referral system gives agents the flexibility to fairly compete in any insurance climate. To learn more, visit

Monday, January 1, 2024
Sales & Marketing
Digital Edition