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Big ‘I’ Chairman: ‘We Must Evolve’

In his State of the Association address, Vaughn Graham, Big "I" chairman,  highlighted the role of the Big "I" in positioning independent agents for the future.
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At this morning’s General Session Breakfast during the Big “I” Legislative Conference, Vaughn Graham, Big “I” chairman, highlighted the role of the Big “I” in positioning independent agents for the future.

With respect to the Big “I” mission statement, which promises to “create a sustainable competitive advantage for members,” Graham emphasized that the Big “I” is just as committed today to fulfilling that pledge as it was 20 years ago.

“We need to learn more about what our current members want and need from their membership,” Graham said. “Everyone agrees: Our next generation of members will view their membership and engagement with the association very differently from my generation.”

During his State of the Association address, Graham warned the group of agents and brokers not to be afraid of disruptors like InsurTech startups and encouraged independent agencies to embrace change.

“Because they are new, our industry can look at disruptors with caution, uncertainty and concern—but sometimes, they're a source of opportunity,” he told conference attendees. “We must evolve, both as an association and as independent agents.”

Cultivating diversity is also high on Graham’s priorities for improving the future of the industry—from positions at agencies to Big “I” leadership roles. “Historically, the leadership of the Big “I” has always looked the same way—much like me. But our leaders of tomorrow shouldn’t,” Graham said. “We need a grassroots recruiting effort to achieve that.”

According to Graham, positioning independent agents and agencies for the future involves building a talent pipeline. In addition to networking at events like the Big “I” Legislative Conference, the association’s Young Agents program can also help supply “the future leaders of this industry.”  

“Maybe your agency’s future principal is sitting beside you this morning,” Graham said. “There are plenty of Gen X and millennial producers who are hungry for the opportunity to become an agency owner.”

Graham pointed out that InVEST® is also fueling the talent pipeline, “training the next generation” of independent agents by exposing high school and college students.

Collaboration between the Big “I” and its members is vital to success. As agents focus on running their businesses, the Big “I” continues to track trends, provide advocacy support, and offer the products and tools independent agents need to compete and thrive.

“Our only mission is to help you compete and grow your market share so you can remain independent now and in the future,” Graham said. “By working together, the independent agency system will continue to thrive.”

Will Jones is IA assistant editor.