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Declaration of Independents: Mel Evans

When it came to starting his own agency, Mel Evans knew where he wanted the focus to be. “It really comes down to the people," he says. “It's all about the people."
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Mel_Evans_InsureFitRM.jpgMel Evans


InsureFit RM

Knoxville, Tennessee

Working in the call center of a large insurer in 2003 gave Evans his first taste of working in the insurance industry. Speaking with clients in different states and learning the different rules and regulations was beneficial for the career path he was about to embark upon. In 2005, Evans took an outside sales position with a regional direct insurance writer, a position that enabled him to build new relationships with clients.

When it came to starting his own agency, Evans knew where he wanted the focus to be. “It really comes down to the people," he says. “It's all about the people."

What Drives You?

I wanted to create something unique for my clients. For me, it's is all about the people I work with and the agency that works for our clients. It's what keeps it exciting. It's what makes it fun. It's what energizes you. We work with multiple industries, folks in several different professions and people from across all walks of life, different races, different nationalities, whatever you can think of. I think it's something that more people should experience, because so many of us just live in our own box and are sectioned off from other folks.

Being a Mentee?

The Right Start mentorship program came along at the right time for me. I had just moved into a new office space and was on the verge of hiring a new employee, so it was a pivotal time. I was able to get great insight on the carrier side and had the opportunity to tap into the knowledge base of a high performing, veteran agency owner. The best of both worlds.

Awards and Community Involvement?

We were winners of the Big “I" Best Practices Agency Award in both 2019 and 2020. That was very big. We've been fortunate to receive a couple of different awards and acknowledgements and recognition. Anytime you start a business you have big dreams and high hopes and when you receive that kind of recognition it really stops you in your tracks and it makes you think, “Hey, what we're doing is working."

Diversity Council Participation?

I'm definitely passionate about diversity and inclusion. We try to do our part to improve and work on this as much as possible. I've been working with my state association on this issue.

Olivia Overman is IA content editor.


Friday, February 19, 2021
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