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Disaster Preparedness in 12 Simple Steps

Disaster preparedness is critically important for independent agents, but it can seem complicated to start. Fortunately, Agility Recovery, Big “I”-endorsed provider of disaster recovery services, now offers a simple monthly email program for all Big “I” members designed to make disaster preparedness easy.
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It’s the time of year when we’re all reviewing goals and initiatives for 2016 and working to improve both the overall strength and the bottom line of our organizations.

As insurance professionals, we understand the benefit of a well-run professional business—but we’re also painfully aware of how a disaster can turn a good business into a failure. We also know that having a strategy in place to recover quickly could mean the difference between surviving a disaster and giving in to one.

But we’re all busy people, so the time and expertise to prepare our own organizations can seem elusive. Fortunately, Agility Recovery, the Big “I”-endorsed provider of disaster recovery solutions, has the perfect program for nearly any organization to take significant steps toward better preparedness—and it won’t cost you a penny. Starting in January, Agility kicks off its “12 Steps to Preparedness” campaign, providing simple, easy-to-implement steps that will make you better prepared for the next disaster. 

Here’s how it works:

Sign up for Agility’s “12 Steps to Preparedness” program, designed to make preparedness simple, efficient and attainable. Each month, Agility will take a detailed look at one core component of a typical business continuity plan, such as how to assemble a team or crisis communications. On the first Tuesday of each month, you'll receive preparedness tips, tools and resources delivered directly to your inbox, specific to the topic of the month.

Simply fill out the short form to get started. By the end of the year, you'll be a disaster recovery guru.

Here’s a quick look ahead to the year’s topics month by month:

  1. January: Assembling a Team
  2. February: Assess Risks & Threats
  3. March: Determine & Prioritize Critical Business Functions
  4. April: Develop an Emergency Management Plan
  5. May: Establish Evacuation & Shelter-in-place Plans
  6. June: Build a Crisis Communications Plan
  7. July: Build a Kit
  8. August: Back Up Your Data
  9. September: Help Employees Prepare
  10. October: Determine Your Power Needs
  11. November: Find an Alternate Place to Work
  12. December: Test and Update Your Plan

Visit our website for more information about Agility Recovery. All of us at Agility wish you and yours a safe and happy New Year.

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Sunday, August 2, 2020
Agency Operations & Best Practices