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Administration Aims to Streamline ACA Sign-Up Process

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services plans to streamline and simplify the Affordable Care Act enrollment process for consumers who sign up for individual market coverage using
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Last week, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced it would streamline and simplify the ACA enrollment process for consumers who sign up for individual market coverage using

The plan is another step in the CMS’s effort to bring more stability to the health insurance market.

Previously, consumers who signed up for health coverage using a third-party website or web-based broker were redirected to to complete their application. This process was confusing and made it harder to finish the application—which meant that fewer consumers finished the sign-up process.

The new process will allow consumers who use web-based brokers to apply for individual market coverage during the upcoming open enrollment period to complete their application using one website.

Wyatt Stewart is Big “I” senior director of federal government affairs.