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Agency Nation Meets: Carl Maerz

Carl Maerz, COO of ClientCircle, is all about brotherly love and the '90s.
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agency nation meets: carl maerz

Get to know the individuals that ignite the insurance industry as they answer our icebreaker questions.

After serving as an officer in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Carl returned to Iowa and co-founded ClientCircle with his brother, Torey Maerz. ClientCircle is an insurance communications platform that helps insurance agencies manage the complete customer journey, collect and analyze customer feedback, improve online reputation, collect reviews and testimonials, grow referrals, automate cross-selling, and send communications spanning email, text messaging, webchat and direct mail.

Hi, Carl! Thanks for joining us! As an army veteran, you can probably put an end to our first question. What three items would you take to a desert island?

A machete. Water filter. Satellite phone.

After leaving the army, do you still have a workout routine? How do you stay fit and healthy?

Run and lift weights three to four days a week. I don't eat breakfast, just a coffee. Small salad for lunch and no snacks during the day.

What about when you go to a fast-food restaurant, where do you go?

Chipotle. But the burritos are getting smaller.

Right on. And if you order online, they'll stiff you on the portions, too. Do you have any fears or phobias?

Touching corduroy.

Textophobia: The irrational fear of certain fabrics. Speaking of texts, what's the most used emoji on your phone?

Purple-colored heart.

Of course. So, other than a college professor's trousers, what's your biggest pet peeve?

When people make fun of my Crocs.

The holes are how you stay cool. So, who has had the biggest influence on your professional career?

My brother, Torey.

I'm not sure how to tell you this but we interviewed him in this column last month and he didn't mention you at all. Hopefully your feelings aren't hurt. What is your favorite season and why?

Spring. The days get progressively longer and warmer. The snow melts. Flowers bloom. The sun shines.

I think there's something in my eye ... is that ... Wordsworth? Anyway, if you could live in any historical period, which one would you choose?

The 1990s. A decade of peace, prosperity, neons, NERF guns, Super Soakers and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

And epic Hollywood blockbusters. What film have you watched the most times and will probably keep watching over and over again?

A 1992 American comedy horror film called “Army of Darkness." We had it on LaserDisc growing up.

Hail to the King, baby! And we can skip our “what would you do in a zombie apocalypse" question, then. Fight them with a chainsaw clearly. What superpower do you wish you had?

Immortality. I'd like to live forever.

And if you could stop aging at any age, what age would it be?


Smart. Getting progressively older could be an issue when you're immortal. Do you have any pets?

Yes. Charm and Kevin. They are both Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and the office mascots. They're awesome dogs, I love them.

Lastly, what's one piece of advice you would give to your great-grandchildren?

Adversity will make you a stronger person. Set big goals and put in the time and hard work to reach them—and be sure to take the time to appreciate and enjoy the journey itself.

This is a new monthly column for Independent Agent magazine and To be featured, email