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Clients Want to Know: How Are You Giving Back?

Community giving doesn’t have to take a lot of time or money to make an impact. Read about a few quick and easy ways to get started at your agency.
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Safeco’s Agent for the Future™ Survey showed how independent agents recognize that to ensure long-term agency growth, it can no longer be business as usual.

But many independent agents are reluctant to talk about their community volunteer work on their websites and social media—a missed opportunity to bring more attention to an important cause.

Doing Good Often Leads to Doing Well

Independent agents have a long history of local involvement and working with nonprofits to better the communities in which they live and work.

Research shows that today’s consumers prefer to associate themselves with brands that make a meaningful social impact. An overwhelming 87% of Americans said they would purchase a product from a company who supports or advocates for a cause important to them, according to the Cone Communications CSR Study. This is also especially true for millennials, who are a growing segment of the population that is changing how we buy and sell insurance.

Sharing Can Amplify Causes You Care About

Sharing your agency’s passion is an excellent way to build more support for your favorite nonprofits. Focus on the reasons why you and your team support the charity, not just your financial contributions, and invite others to join in. Use your newsletter, website and social media channels to show the impact your efforts have had on one person, one family or one community. You might even inspire others to rally for your cause and your agency.

Sharing Can Attract and Retain Young Talent

Safeco’s Agent for the Future Survey revealed that 58% of all new hires are millennials—an encouraging sign that independent agents are welcoming this powerful segment into their channel.

More than any generational group before, millennials are more likely to take a job—and stay in it—if it aligns with their personal values. Additionally, almost nine in ten millennials believe business success should be measured by more than financial performance, according to the Deloitte Millennial Survey 2016.

Take the First Step

Community giving doesn’t have to take a lot of time or money to make an impact. If you and your agency are already giving back, start by sharing photos of your volunteer work on social media with captions about why you’re passionate about the organization. It won’t cost you anything and instantly shows your followers a whole new side of your agency.

If you aren’t yet sure how to give back, or need more new ideas, check out the Safeco Guide to Community Engagement. It’s is full of information on how to find a nonprofit, develop a relationship and incorporate charitable giving into your agency communications and growth plan.

Whatever your cause, it’s worth sharing with your agency staff and clients. Start amplifying your giving efforts with a little marketing muscle. You never know who you’ll inspire next to give back.

Want to Learn More?

Alexis Holzer is the program manager for the Agent Giving Program at Safeco Insurance.

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