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Independent Agent Magazine




September 2021 20219/2/2021 4:00:00 AMCover2021Volume: 118, Issue: 9



Forward Together: Meet Your New Big 'I' Chairman Together: Meet Your New Big 'I' ChairmanIncoming Big ‘I’ Chairman Bob Fee on technology, the talent gap and instilling stability in the independent agent channel.9/1/2021 10:30:00 AMAnnouncements & EventsAnnouncements & EventsSeptemberWill Jones
What Is Independent Agents’ Role in Preventing Insurance Fraud? Is Independent Agents’ Role in Preventing Insurance Fraud?In many cases, agents are the first line of defense against potential fraudsters. What role do independent agents play in preventing insurance fraud? And what are the consequences if they don't?9/1/2021 10:25:00 AMAgency Operations & Best PracticesAgency Operations & Best PracticesSeptemberAnneMarie McPherson
Stop Spinning Your Wheels: Overhaul Your Agency’s Decision-Making Process Spinning Your Wheels: Overhaul Your Agency’s Decision-Making ProcessThe spinning wheels phenomenon is caused by resistance to change, dysfunctional culture and assumed continuity—all dangers that can seep into agencies when owners are too busy putting out fires. 9/1/2021 10:20:00 AMAgency Operations & Best PracticesAgency Operations & Best PracticesSeptemberDiane T. Keil-Hipp
Down and Out: Internet Outages and Insurance and Out: Internet Outages and Insurance 9/1/2021 10:15:00 AMCommercial LinesCommercial Lines TechnologySeptemberAnneMarie McPherson
Model Your Return to the Office on Parental Leave Your Return to the Office on Parental LeaveSo much has changed, our nervous systems have been under attack, and, as we re-emerge, things feel rather disorienting.9/1/2021 10:10:00 AMAgency Operations & Best PracticesAgency Operations & Best PracticesSeptemberLori Mihalich-Levin
5 Tips for Planning Your Social Media Calendar Tips for Planning Your Social Media Calendar Even if you have a minimal posting schedule, knowing how to plan your content can be a game-changer for staying organized and on track. 9/1/2021 10:05:00 AMSales & MarketingSales & MarketingSeptemberKelley Smith
Declaration of Independents: David Houston Jr. of Independents: David Houston Jr.Houston became part of the family business after finishing school in 1966. Now the principal of the agency, Houston Insurance continues to be family-owned and is taking care of its client like they are part of the family too. 9/1/2021 10:00:00 AMPerpetuation & ValuationPerpetuation & ValuationSeptemberOlivia Overman